SCCAR was originally formed as Shasta County Citizens Against Racism in 1988 by Issac Lowe, retired social worker and founding member of the Redding Chapter of the NAACP and David Ledger, businessman and community activist, in response to a racially motivated shooting in Redding’s Caldwell Park.
Throughout the 1990s, SCAAR focused on racial issues.
When Gary Matson and Winfield Mowder, a gay couple, were shot and killed in their Happy Valley home in 1999, SCCAR realized that race was not our only civil rights and social justice issue.
We subsequently changed our name to Shasta County Citizens Advocating Respect to emphasize that everyone in our community deserves dignity, respect and our support.
During her long tenure as SCCAR president, Fran Brady and SCCAR board member Tom O’Mara developed a relationship with the Redding Police Department. Tom subsequently became a Volunteer Civil Rights Advocate with the RPD.
SCCAR board member Sergeant Ted Snyder currently serves as our liaison with RPD to ensure positive outcomes for all community members with whom RPD interacts.
As our community has become more diverse, SCCAR’s role has as well.
Since its inception in 1988, SCCAR has held 30 Civil Rights and Social Justice Award Dinners honoring 39 community members, 22 law enforcement officers, and 10 young activists.
We have provided several community forums on subjects such as homelessness, respectful conversations, and anti-semitism.
SCCAR has evolved to become instrumental in initiating and participating in community efforts to address harassment, bullying, and hate incidents of all types.
Press conference concerning community safety in response to the murder of George Floyd.
Community Partnerships
SCCAR is building and reinforcing its partnerships with community organizations and groups working to advance social justice, equity, inclusion, and belonging in Shasta County.
The Shasta Beloved Community: An inclusive, solution-oriented, grassroots movement dedicated to networking and unifying relationships in our diverse community in which everyone will experience Solidarity, Unity, Respect, Equality – S.U.R.E.
Shasta Equal Justice Coalition: Many SCCAR members are also members of SEJC and we continue to seek ways to collaborate with this important local civil rights group.
Shasta Interfaith: Brings together faith leaders and interested individuals to encourage cultural and spiritual diversity.
The members of SCCAR put our mission into action to increase awareness and promote respect for all.